Franchise Audio


Episode Summary

Hello there everyone here we are getting back to you with another episode of Franchise Audio! As always we really appreciate your continued support & listening in. On this weeks episode we discuss 75 Hard & mental toughness & being able to set challenges for yourself. We also touch on the topic of our beloved island Cuba & the crisis that is forming over there at the moment.

Episode Notes

Key takeaways from this episode:

  1.  An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. This crisis is cuba is something that has been going on for the greater part of 60 years. The cuban people have been beaten, oppressed, starved & just denied basic human rights, no matter HOW you try to swing the story. The cuban people have taken out to the streets in the biggest demonstration of demanding a better quality of life since early 1990s. The beautiful thing though is that it seems this generation will not go down without a fight. We are not asking to share the answer that will end this issue right now but all we are asking is for some sincerity & empathy around the situation  & most importantly just stay informed.
  2. 75 hard is a challenge that was created to allow you to achieve the best version of yourself that you possibly can . It is a challenge engineered to allow you to reach a different part of your brain & really tap into what makes you tick but seeing some challenges out in front of you & really testing your mental fortitude.