Franchise Audio

R.I.P Kobe Bryant & Gamestop Frenzy

Episode Summary

Thank you for joining us again on another week of the show! We couldn't be more excited to have everyone tune in as for this week we will be discussing a couple talking points. Trending topics that will be discussed this week will entail it being the anniversary of the great Kobe Bryant, The Gamestop stock frenzy, Disney financial troubles & how to arm yourself with more knowledge.

Episode Notes

Ket Takeaways For This Episode

  1. The knowledge we seek in this world is out there & in abundance & specifically if its more financial literacy that you seek. In these times that we are in right now there are no excuses to not be able to learn the things that we need to learn. A lot of the times it just comes down to where our priorities fall. Here at Franchise Audio we've been preaching financial literacy & we plan to continue to preach it because its cool & its really important. don't be your own worst enemy start doing the things you need to do now to make sure you can live a more conformable tomorrow.
  2. Father Time is undefeated, it is the one constant that we can always account for being in the mix. Time, it been a year since the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant in this time so much things have happened that one can do a whole Netflix special on it. Kobe left us too soon but his legacy is still felt to this day, leaving a whole sea of inspired & grateful beings. On the anniversary of the passing of Kobe Bryant please take a moment to be grateful and hug & kiss a loved one today, everyday is all we have!
  3. We are 20 days + into the new year & in typical fashion a bunch of us have made New Years resolutions & goals for ourselves. With one being in the middle of all of it you can forget that sometimes you have to lift your head up & smell the roses! This is your reminder to do so, you work too hard to always be so stressed especially if it is about a "what if" take a load off & ENJOY!