Franchise Audio

Motivation & What To Do With It

Episode Summary

Hello everyone thank you for joining us for another Franchise Audio Podcast episode! In this episode we are going to be discussing a couple different things from motivation, the stock market, working out & talking about sustainability & gardening.

Episode Notes

Key Takeaways from this episode


  1. It's safe to say that Eddy can't be trusted when it comes to managing his risks in the stock market. You know the one thing that every professional tells you that YOU MUST do. "Smart people learn from their own mistakes, WISE people learn from the mistakes of others" & thankfully for you theres things to learn from Eddy's situation. Managing risk isnt just something that should be applied for the market you want to practice managing risk in just about in every aspect of your life, one cant always control the out come but it helps if risk has been managed properly!
  2. Exercise is something every responsible adult should do, it has been proven to improve your life in many ways. Now with that being said, at times it cans till be a challenge to to be motivated enough to remain consistent. Good news is that it starts with you, as long as your internal dialogue around the subject remains intact & your spirits remain high those goals you've set for yourself can be achieved, you just need to believe!
  3. Motivation can be such a fleeting thing, if not capitalized on at times it can be too late. Let today be the start great things for you, let today be the day you start giving yourself the life that you deserve, let's make today a part of history.
  4. We all have different opinions on an array of different topics, but in my opinion practicing sustainability is one of the most beautiful things we can do. Take the planet we live on for example look at the sustainable being that it is, isnt it amazing? Now obviously we are not planets but why cant we learn some lessons from the nature around us & also help benefit it? It can be as small as starting to recycle or as big to growing a garden where you can feed yourself and your loved ones. Think for just a moment "What can I be doing differently?"