Franchise Audio

Justice Is Served, For Now!

Episode Summary

Hello everyone thank you so much for tuning in back to another week of this podcast. This week on Franchise Audio we discuss the verdict in the George Floyd trial, a 4/20 celebration, Gratitude, The super league nonsense, and bitcoin. If anything in this episode stood out to you we just please ask that you spread the word with one friend.

Episode Notes

Recently the world was able to witness the sentencing of Derek Chauvin the idiot police officer that murdered George Floyd. Even though the decision comes with mixed emotions still given the climate of things it is pretty safe to say in some facet justice has been served. This sentencing will not bring back the life that was lost but at least this helps give the family some type of closure while they are still dealing with the loss of a loved one. Since the senseless killing of George Floyd there has been countless other stories of individuals dying by the hands of police officers so even though this is a good feel moment for a lot it just goes to show that the job is still not done.

"In 1971, five high school students in San Rafael, California, used the term "4:20" in connection with a plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop, based on a treasure map made by the grower. Calling themselves the Waldos, because their typical hang-out spot "was a wall outside the school", the five students — Steve Capper, Dave Reddix, Jeffrey Noel, Larry Schwartz, and Mark Gravich —designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 pm as their meeting time. The Waldos referred to this plan with the phrase "4:20 Louis". After several failed attempts to find the crop, the group eventually shortened their phrase to "4:20", which ultimately evolved into a code-word the teens used to refer to consuming cannabis." That right there ladies and gentleman is how years later we are still lighting up a join on the infamous April 20th. 

The super league, many of you may be reading this or listening to this episode & may have no idea what the super league is, so i'm going to break it down for you real simple. The Super League (organised by the European Super League Company, S.L.), commonly referred to as the European Super League (ESL), was a proposed annual club football competition to be contested by twenty European football clubs. The competition would consist of fifteen "founding clubs" – who would be permanent participants in the competition and govern it – alongside five other European clubs who would qualify based upon their performance in their domestic league's most recent season. It was planned as a breakaway competition to rival or replace the UEFA Champions League, Europe's premier club football tournament organised by UEFA. Basically a little boy clubs of rich as your imagination can roam owners coming together to devise one of the biggest distribution of wealth of all time. Luckily for football fans world wide since announcing there plans a bunch of marquee "founding" teams have pulled out of this nonsense. Tune into this episode to hear us discuss. 

The ups and downs when it comes to bitcoin have been a thing since its dawn, historically year over year it only climbs, hodl and watch what happens.